In the comparison between the sectors, Entertainment and Leisure ranked 4th . An improvement can be found in all pillars, although the Empathy pillar is still 1.4% below the market average. This could be caused by the fact that many of the companies on the ladder provide most of their services online (tickets, watching TV, online betting) which means that, under certain circumstances, the customer may not come into contact with another human being at all, leaving the brand with very little opportunity to show empathy. On the other hand, the industry does very well in Expectations and Personalization (1.1% and 1% above the market average, respectively).
The industry development can be simply put like this: strong newcomers and stagnating or only slightly improved “stagers” from last year who have dropped in the rankings because the others have shown more prominent growth. A similar phenomenon – stagnation in the absolute numbers and a drop in the rankings – can be also see in Telecommunications and Travel and Hotels.
This year’s sector winner is the ticket selling platform Ticketpro (now renamed to Ticketmaster). The comment analysis shows that the brand does some very good work in the field of customer experience. The customers mentioned the speed of purchase, problem-free payment and quick delivery of their tickets. They often return because they trust the brand, and the scores in the Time and effort (almost 8 points) and Integrity (7.7) pillars are a proof of that. Ticketportal is another strong newcomer praised by customers for the same reasons, achieving great results in the Time and effort (7.9) and Integrity (7.6) pillars as well.
The third newcomer to the sector – video streaming provider Netflix – has also ranked decently, taking 72nd place. On the British market, the company has already made its way from the very bottom into the top 20 from 2012 to 2015. Today, they are seen as one of the brands that have gone through the biggest change to adopt active customer experience management. The company pays special attention to the Personalization pillar, using an advanced algorithm to create personalized content recommendations for every customer and constantly adjusting them to match the customer’s changing preferences. We can expect Netflix to improve its position in the Czech customer experience ranking as soon as the company feels a bit more comfortable and settled on the local market.
“I was billed twice for the same monthly fee. One e-mail to the customer service team was enough to solve the issue.” (Netflix)
“Communication is swift and quite classy. You can see that the employees are well trained in their job and do not sound like robots.” (CineStar)
“I have a gambling account with this company and I’ve had some trouble with logging in. So, I went to one of their offices and they helped me restore my account while being very nice and professional.” (Sazka)